
This is an entry point to a File menu of commands for working with calibration files:

Icon Command Description

Creates a new calibration file and simultaneously closes the currently opened file (a warning appears if there are unsaved changes). This action can also be triggered using the Ctrl + N shortcut.

The new calibration file will be based on the template calibration (TEMPLATE.CAL) located in the COMMON directory(C:\Clarity\DataFiles\COMMON\ by default).


Opens a calibration file and simultaneously closes the currently open file (a warning appears if there are unsaved changes). Using this command or pressing the Ctrl +O shortcut brings up the Open Calibration dialog.


Saves the current calibration file. This command can also be triggered using the Ctrl + S shortcut.

If saving a new file for the first time, the Save As dialog will appear, requiring a file name to be specified. The default name is reserved for new unsaved files only.

Save As

Saves the calibration file under a chosen name. This command can also be triggered using the Ctrl + Shift + S shortcut.

If the selected file name already exists, a confirmation message appears before the file is overwritten.

  Send Calibration by email Creates a new email in the default email client with the currently displayed calibration file attached.
Open Standard Opens a chromatogram in the Standard section of the Calibration window. This command brings up the Open Chromatogram dialog, which by default displays the Calib subdirectory. This action does not directly affect the calibration (only sets the number of signals according to chromatogram) but allows the chromatogram to be used for calibration or recalibration.
Close Standard Closes the currently displayed calibration standard.
  Open Standard as Chromatogram

Opens the Standard in the Chromatogram window. This option is available only if a Standard is currently opened.

  Link Calibration To Standard

Links the currently opened calibration to the currently opened standard chromatogram. This enables the display of peak names as defined in the calibration file.

This option is available only if the opened standard chromatogram is editable.


Displays the following export commands, available only in the Individual Compound tabs:

  • Export Calibration Curve as Picture to Clipboard – Copies the calibration curve image to the clipboard, allowing it to be pasted into other applications using the standard Paste command (Ctrl + V). This is useful for quickly inserting the image into spreadsheet or word-processing software.
  • Export Calibration Curve as Picture… – Opens the Save As dialog to save the calibration curve image as an Enhanced Metafile Format (.emf) file. This format is widely supported by Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office.

Both commands are also available from the context menu by right-clicking in the calibration curve area.

Report Setup Opens the Report Setup dialog. This command can also be triggered using the Ctrl + Alt + P shortcut.
Print Preview Displays a preview of the printout before actual printing. Using this command or pressing the Ctrl + Shift + P shortcut opens the Print Preview dialog.
Print to PDF

Prints the report to a *.PDF file. The Print to PDF dialog appears, allowing you to set the file name and destination.

By default, the file is saved in the same folder as the calibration file. The default Print to PDF location is set in the Directories tab of the User Options dialog.

Send Printed PDF by Email Creates a new email in the default email client, prints the report to a *.PDF file, and attaches the generated file to the email.
Print Sends the report to a selected printer. Using this command or pressing the Ctrl + P shortcut opens the Print dialog.
  ------ Displays a list of recently opened files for quick access. The number of files shown is determined by the Recent Files setting in the General tab of the User Options dialog.
  Close Window Closes the Calibration window along with all open files. If the calibration file has unsaved changes, a prompt appears asking whether to save them before closing.