Add Group
To be able to use this command, it is necessary to have the groups already added in the calibration standard, otherwise this command will not work, see "Add Group".
Adds the selected peak group from the calibration standard to the calibration. Invoking the Calibration - Add Group command or icon moves the cursor to the graph of the calibration standard, where the desired group should be selected. Use the Esc key to exit the command at anytime.
When using a multi-signal standard, the command is governed by the On All Signals / On Active Signal option.
Dependence on type and method of calibration:
- When using Automatic Calibration, all data items will be assigned to the first free level of the group regardless of the currently set level.
- When using Automatic Recalibration, the current level is always recalibrated using pre-set values. Data can be modified and supplemented at any time in the calibration table.
- When using Manual Calibration or Recalibration, the (Re)calibrate Group dialog will open once the group has been selected and enable modification of previously entered data.
- When using On All Signals or On Active Signal, the selected group is either added on all signals or only on the active signal into the Calibration Summary Table.
Groups are identified by the corresponding letter.
If you hide the part of the Calibration window with the calibration standard, for example by reducing the Calibration window or enlarging the Compound Summary Table, the Add Group command will not be active.
Calibrate Group
Adds data from the calibration standard to the calibration file. This dialog is either opened by the Calibration - Add All ( icon) or Add Group (
icon) commands in manual calibration mode. The identifier of the selected group will be displayed in the identification section. The dialog contains items analogous to those displayed in the Calibrate Peak dialog
Recalibrate Group
Adds data from the calibration standard to the calibration file. This dialog is either opened by the Calibration - Add All ( icon) or Add Group (
icon) commands in manual recalibration mode. The identifier of the selected group will be displayed in the identification section. The dialog contains items analogous to those shown in the Recalibrate Peak dialog