Reprocessing by selected method

Reprocessing by method is suitable for applying Integration parameters to previously measured chromatograms after these parameters were saved to the method by Save Method as a Template. You can also changed the link to the calibration file without the calibration being reprocessed.


If the Sequence file is selected to be reprocessed by method, all currently linked chromatograms will be reprocessed. No recalibration is carried out, when Calibration - Update is selected only links to calibration are changed without any changes to the calibration file itself.

  1. Prepare your method with desired integration and linked calibration.
  2. Open Batch dialog by menu Analysis - Batch... from the Instrument window.
  3. Select chromatograms you want to reprocess (Alternatively, select sequence(s), depending on your File Type).
  4. Select Reprocess by Method and define your created method.
  5. Select Update Integration in case you want to change integration parameters as set in the defined method.
  6. Click on Proceed .


Reprocess by Method can be combined with Post-run Options if you are sure that changes in chromatograms do not have to be reviewed before exporting/printing.

Now your chromatograms are reprocessed, with linked calibration file and amended integration parameters from the used method.