Creating and running a sequence

  1. Open the Sequence window using the Analysis - Sequence command or the icon in the Instrument window.
  2. Create a new sequence file using the icon . or open an already existing sequence . If you already have a sequence ready skip to step 12.
  3. Save the new sequence using File - Save As…. Set the sequence file name and location in the Save As dialog.
  4. Check the checkbox of the first (empty) row in the Run column to add it to the sequence. The row will be pre-filled with default data, or with settings from the previous row.
  5. Fill in the Sample ID and/or Sample columns .
  6. Fill in the File Name . It is recommended to use variables to prevent file name conflicts, for example, %q ( Sample ID), %n (counter), and %R (date and time). Hold the mouse pointer over the file name field to see the resulting name. For more information about variables, see "Chromatogram File Name" in the Clarity Help.
  7. The SV (Starting Vial) and EV (End Vial) rows will be pre-filled with numbers corresponding to the sample position in the autosampler tray, if you are using an autosampler. These can be changed as needed; it is also possible to inject from multiple vials in one sequence row.
  8. Fill in the volume of the injection in the Inj. Vol. column .
  9. Select the method to be used for the measurement in the Method Name column.
  10. Tick any of the Open, Open Calib., Print etc., columns in case you wish to open the measured chromatogram in the Chromatogram or Calibration windows or print the results after each measurement of a sample.
  11. Caution:

    To correctly include chromatographs in the reports, it is necessary to check both the Open and Print checkboxes. It is also necessary to fill in Report Style when Print or Print to PDF is used.

  12. Repeat steps 4-10 for subsequent rows you need to add to the Sequence Table.
  13. Note:

    It is possible to display columns with additional parameters and post-run options by right-clicking the sequence table, selecting the Setup Columns command and moving items from the Hide Columns to the Show Columns list using the Show button.

  14. Check the validity of the prepared sequence using Sequence - Check Sequence or by clicking the icon. In a valid sequence, all rows will show the mark in the Status column. Invalid sequences will issue a warning message describing the cause of the problem.
  15. Save the sequence using File - Save or the icon.
  16. Run the prepared sequence using Sequence - Run or the icon .


    The sequence state will change to the Waiting for injection or Injecting state, depending on the Ready state of other controlled modules. The state is visible at the bottom of the Sequence window.