How to view specific spectra in overlay

To view specific spectra from PDA library in overlay and thus have the opportunity to compare current spectrum against spectra from the PDA library, follow the steps below.

  1. Used views: Chromatogram View, Spectral Library, Spectral View and Isoplot View.


    How to change views is shown in How to work with PDA chromatogram

  2. Move the marker to your desired position .
  3. In the Spectral Library View check the Spectrum Name for each spectrum that you want to show in the Spectral View.
  4. Spectral View displays current spectrum along with other spectra checked in the PDA library.
  5. You can move the marker in the Isoplot View to move alongside both wavelength and retention time axes.

Note that those steps can be also performed on results from the Search in Library - thus having spectra from the search in overlay.


To compare spectra it is recommended to normalize their view. Right click into Spectral View and select Properties. In PDA Properties dialog navigate to Chrom&Spectral View tab and select Normalization: At Current Range .