Importing a chromatogram into Clarity
It is possible to import chromatograms from other chromatography software. Supported formats are : AIA (*.cdf suffix), EZChrom ASCII (*.asc suffix), Text format (*.txt), Comma Separated Values format (*.CSV) or Multi-detector format (*.chr). The particular procedure depends on type of file you want to import.
- From the Chromatogram window open the Open Files To Import dialog by selecting File - Import Chromatogram….
- You can select the File Type which you want to import ⓐ . By default you can see all supported formats.
- Select the file(s) you want to import ⓑ and click on the Open button.
- Set the parameters as needed in the subsequent dialogs depending on the file format.
- For all file formats you can select imported file name and which method to apply ⓒ. This will apply integration, calibration etc.
- Import AIA File - when importing AIA file (*.cdf suffix).
- You have option to inspect data from the source file and override some of them ⓓ e.g, Detector Unit.
- Import Text File - when importing Text, Multidetector or EZChrom ASCII file (*.txt, *.chr, *.asc and *.csv suffixes).
- You can set information regarding given sample ⓔ like Dilution or Injection Volume etc. You can also set information regarding source file format ⓕ.
File format related settings is typically detected automatically and there is no need to change it.
- Save As - when importing *.raw file, as there is no need to set other parameters.