Recalibrating automatically using a sequence

Here we describe how to add more data to a calibration point from more than one calibration standard chromatogram using a sequence.

  1. Open the method file: use File - Open Method… on the Instrument window or click in the Method Setup dialog.
  2. Go to the Calculation tab.

  1. Connect the calibration file to the method by using the Set… button.
  2. Save the method file - click OK or select File - Save Method or click .
  3. Open the Sequence window: select Analysis - Sequence or click in the Instrument window.

  1. Fill in the Sequence Table as described in the section Run a sequence.
  2. For the calibration standards, fill in the Sample Type and Lvl columns in the Sequence Table.
  3. Save the sequence file: select File - Save or click .

The file is now prepared so that the calibration standards measured according to their sequence rows will automatically recalibrate the calibration file.