Link Table
This dialog can be used for editing the Link Table in the DHA Extension. The Link Table is used in those cases when you have unresolved compound names in the Result Table. For example, you are using compound names specific to your language, but in the selected norm, there is a different name for the same compound. The Link Table allows you to link the different compound names so you can use your custom compound names in calibrations and chromatograms as needed.
1st column in the table
Number of the Link Table row.
The compound name in the Calibration that you want to link with the name in norms, and thus to include in the DHA Results and DHA Group Results.
The compound name as given by the norm (if the name is in multiple norms, only one occurrence is displayed).
Displays the Add Link dialog for adding a new record to the link table.
Removes the selected record from the Link Table.
Saves the settings to the Link Table and exits the dialog.
Exits the dialog without saving any changes to the Link Table.
This dialog is analogous to the Link Table dialog of the NGA Extension. However, the items in the two Link Tables are saved for each extension separately.