NGA Amounts

The NGA Amounts table contains some of the columns from the standard Result Table, but it also contains additional columns specific for the NGA Extension.

Chromatogram window - NGA Results

Compound Name

If the chromatogram contains calibrated peaks or groups, the names are shown in the Compound Name column. The table contains compounds from all signals of the chromatogram.


Displays the Signal on which the compound was detected.

Amount [Mole %]

This column shows the same data as the Amount column in the Result Table (Results tab in the Chromatogram window). This columns is only informational and it is not used in the NGA calculations.

Amount [Molar %]

Contains mole fractions (in percent) or some other fraction type as specified in the NGA Settings. The fractions are to the total amount of 100%. If a compound is not found in the norms, its mole fraction is set to zero for NGA calculations.

Amounts of compounds with the same names in calibrations and in norms are automatically linked. A compound with a compound name different from the name in norms can be included in the calculations by linking it to a compound in norms using the Link Table,

The table can contain a virtual compound Water. This one is added when you select Wet Basis in the NGA Settings.

The "minus" icon means, that the Compound Name from the NGA Results was not found in the selected norm and it will not be considered in the calculations.

The "question mark" icon means, that the Compound Name cannot be found neither in the norms nor in the Link Table. Click the Edit Link Tableā€¦ button, and link the compound name with requested name in norms in the Link Table dialog. This icon may appear in such situations, when the Compound Name is present two or more times in the NGA Results. This is caused mostly when you have compound detected and calibrated in more then one signal in the Calibration window. Since the NGA calculations are performed on all signals in the Chromatogram, each compound should be calibrated in one signal only (see the chapter "Calibration").