Creating SST method

  • Open the Chromatogram window.
  • Click on the SST Results tab.
  • Open any calibrated chromatogram.
  • Use the Update from Calib command in the SST menu (for more details see also chapter SST menu). This will transfer the list of all components from the linked calibration into the Component Table on the left of the SST Results tab, regardless of whether they are identified in the current chromatogram or not.


The Update From Calib command is also accessible in the local menu after clicking the right mouse button on the SST Results tab.

  • Select the components to be included in the validation using the checkboxes in the Used column of the Component Table.
  • On the SST Properties - Parameters tab specify which parameters are to be monitored. The dialog is opened using the SST - Parameters... command.
  • Switch to the next SST Properties - Subparameters tab. Specify the type of limit values according to which will the parameters be evaluated.
  • Select the method for calculating parameters on the SST Properties - Calculate By tab, set the user-defined events for exceeded limits on the SST Properties - Events tab and whether the validation results should be saved into the database file on the SST Properties - General tab.
  • Close the SST Properties dialog by clicking the OK button.
  • Mark the component for which you want to enter a limit value in the Component Table.
  • Fill-in the limit values in the Parameters Table on the right side of the SST Results tab.


Each component may be validated according to different parameters. For example; one may be validated according to the amount of a component (Amount), while another is validated according to the peak height (Height).

  • Repeat this procedure for all components that you want to include in the validation - select them in the Component Table and fill in their validation parameters in the Parameters Table.


Parameters can be easily added or removed from a validation process for the given compound by double-clicking on the header of the relevant parameter column in the Parameters Table.

  • Save the SST method using the SST - Save command.


You can make the Parameters Table more synoptic by hiding unused (grayed) columns and rows using the Show All Columns and Show All Rows commands in the SST main menu. In this case, columns/rows cannot be activated or deactivated by double-clicking on them.