Graph Properties - MS Spectra tab

Allows to set the display form of the spectra graph in the MS Extension.

Graph Properties - MS Spectra

Stick Spectra

Area setting the appearance of the spectrum graph when it is switched to the Stick Spectrum mode.

Display Library Spectrum

Sets the visibility of the library spectrum. This will be only visible for peaks defined in the MS Method Table with the Library Compound selected.

Head to Tail Comparison

Selects whether the spectrum graph and the Library graph will be displayed as a Head to Tail comparison. If not selected, both spectra will be displayed in overlay.

Raw Spectra

Area setting the appearance of the spectrum graph when it is switched to the Raw Spectrum mode.

Display Stick Representation in

Sets the presence/visibility of the stick representations of peaks in the raw spectra. The stick representations may be placed either into Peak Apex of a detected peak or in a Peak Centroid of a detected peak. Which peaks are detected is influenced by settings in the MS Method - Peak Detection dialog.

Spectral Signal Axis

Area changing the display of the signal axis, switching between Relative Signal Values (default) or Absolute Signal Values. The display itself may still differ as while set to Relative Signal Values, the library spectra are matched with the compound spectrum using first reference ion as 100% reference value, while during Absolute Signal Values setting the highest spectrum ion is considered to be 100% reference value for library spectra.

Chart Colors

Sets the coloring of the Chromatogram Spectrum and Library Spectrum. Each color may be defined independently using the appropriate Select… button. The Chromatogram Spectrum coloring will be valid for both stick spectra and raw spectra.

Background Colors

Selects the background color - Chart section - and border color - Border section - of a spectrum graph.

Windows Default - Color will automatically be adopted from the MS Windows appearance scheme. If deselected, the color will be set according to the Select button.

Select… - Color selection button.

Peak Tags

Defines the placement and format of peak tags in the spectrum graph. The setting is common to both chromatogram spectrum and library spectrum.

Show Peak Tags for:

Sets which sticks in the spectrum graph will have peak tags.

Peaks Higher than a Percentage of the Highest Peak - peak tags will be displayed for any sticks with relative intensity higher than set amount (relative to the highest stick).

X Highest Peaks - peak tags will be displayed for set amount of highest sticks.

Reference m/z - peak tags will be displayed for the sticks marked as reference m/z in the MS Method Table.


Allows to set the font for the peak tags in the spectral graph.