
This is a sub-menu with commands for working with chromatograms and other specific system commands.

Overlay Mode Displays a number of chromatograms simultaneously.
Open Chromatogram… Selects and displays chromatogram (Ctrl + O).
  Browse Through Chromatograms

Opens and browses chromatograms from the last active folder or from the selection made using Browse Selected Chromatograms in Open Chromatogram dialog. In Overlay mode browses through currently opened chromatograms. For more information see Browse Through Chromatograms.

  Open Chromatogram From Sequence Displays all chromatograms measured according to the selected sequence.
Close Closes the active chromatogram (Ctrl + W). If the chromatogram has been changed and not yet saved, you will be notified accordingly. Modifications not yet saved are always marked by the inscription MODIFIED after the filename.
  Close All Used to close all displayed chromatograms (Ctrl + Shift + W). If any chromatogram has been changed and not yet saved, you will be notified accordingly. Modifications in not saved chromatograms are always marked by the inscription MODIFIED after the filename.
Save The command saves the active chromatogram (Ctrl + S). When a mathematical curve created in the OVERLAY mode by the Chromatogram - Overlay - Mathematics command is to be saved, a chromatogram will be created and saved according to the current method shown in the Instrument window.
Save As… Saves active chromatogram under selected name (Ctrl + Shift + S).


For existing filenames, message box about file overwriting pops up.

  Send Chromatogram by Email Sends the displayed active chromatogram as an email attachment.

In the Overlay mode all displayed chromatograms will be added to the email.

The command is analogous to the Send Method by Email command described in the chapter "Send Method by Email".

  Import Chromatogram… Imports chromatograms in the text, AIA or EZChrom ASCII format.
  Export Initial submenu for the following Export commands:
  Export Data… Exports results and data of the active chromatogram. After selection, the Export Data dialog will be displayed.

By using the Ctrl + E shortcut it is possible to export the data without opening the Export Data dialog.



User columns are exported only when the In Fixed Format checkbox is not checked.

  Export Chromatogram… Exports chromatographic curve into AIA, text or EZChrom ASCII format.
  Export Summary Table… Exports Summary Table of results into a text file. After selecting the command the Export Summary Table To dialog will be displayed for selecting the name of the file and directory.

Individual items of the summary table are divided in the file by a tabulator.



Chromatograms containing unsaved modifications will be saved before exporting. Export is logged in the Audit Trail.


The Summary Table is exported in "as on screen" format.

  Export as Picture to Clipboard Copies currently displayed chromatogram into clipboard as a vector picture.
  Export as Picture to File… Exports chromatogram as a picture in vector format. All chromatograms from the main graph including all labels are always exported in the format EMF format (Enhanced Metafile).

The exported graph is saved into the file. After selecting the command, the Save As dialog will be displayed for selecting the name of the file and directory.

  Sign… Displays Sign dialog to electronically signs the active chromatogram.
  Verify… Displays Verify dialog for verification of electronic signatures of active chromatogram.
Report Setup… Selects print configuration (Ctrl + Alt + P). After selection, the Report Setup dialog will be displayed.
Print Preview Previews selected print configuration before printing (Ctrl + Shift + P). After selection, the Print Preview dialog will be displayed.
Print to PDF Prints report to PDF file.
Send Printed PDF by Email Opens new email message in default email client, prints report to PDF and adds created PDF file as an email attachment.
Print… Command for selecting printer and actual printing (Ctrl + P). After selection, the Print dialog will be displayed. In case the printed chromatogram(s) are modified and some of their results will be included in printing, the chromatograms will be saved in the moment of printing. This includes any non-active chromatograms which add a row to the Summary table (when Summary table is printed) or any chromatograms included in the SST (when Parameters Table on the SST tab is printed).
Perform Post-run Actions… Command for performing the post-run operations from the Chromatogram window. After selection, the Post-run Options (From Chromatogram Window) dialog will be displayed.
  ----------- In this place the File menu contains a list of the last open chromatograms. This list serves for quick access to the currently used chromatograms.


The number of displayed files is set using the Recent Files field in the User Options - General dialog, accessible from the Instrument window using the View - Options command.

  Close Window Closes the Chromatogram window. If any chromatogram has been changed and not yet saved, you will be notified accordingly. Modifications not yet saved are always marked by the inscription MODIFIED after the filename.