Clarity and related chromatography key terms

Chromatography terminology includes terms like retention time, eluent, and mobile phase. Visit our dedicated page for their definitions and terms specific to Clarity Chromatography Software.


An add-on is an additional feature or software component that enhances the core functionality of Clarity. Add-ons may offer extended analytical tools or specific functions for specialized chromatographic applications. These include Clarity Extensions, additional instruments, and optional control modules.


In Clarity, a channel represents an individual data collection path from individual detectors. Each channel allows for the processing and visualization of signals independently, enabling multi-channel data analysis from a single chromatographic run.

Clarity Demo

Clarity Demo is a demonstration version of Clarity. It has the same functionality as the full version, except that data acquisition is simulated and the import function is disabled.

Clarity Lite

Simplified version of Clarity providing data acquisition from one chromatograph with an analog output. Suitable for non-regulated environments.

Clarity Offline

Offline version of Clarity for data evaluation, processing, and method preparation (no connection to real devices or data acquisition).  

Clarity Trial

If you do not enter a User Code during the installation, Clarity will switch to the Trial mode. Clarity Trial allows you to try out all Clarity features, control modules, and extensions without any limitation for 30 days (or 100 Clarity starts, whichever comes first).

Configuration (.cfg) file

A .cfg file stores hardware configuration information, making it easy to retrieve and apply configurations at different Clarity stations.

Control module

A Clarity control module is an optional software module that enables control of autosamplers, GC, GC-MS, HPLC/CE, or HPLC-MS systems. Control modules are software components that manage specific tasks by processing inputs and issuing commands between Clarity and connected devices.


A technique for separating overlapping signals in a chromatogram. It helps to identify and quantify components in complex samples where individual peaks may not be easily distinguished. Clarity currently does not support this feature.

Desktop (.dsk) file

A .dsk file stores information about the last used project (*.prj) and individual user preferences, such as the configuration and layout of windows and tables, graph preferences, user columns, and more.


In chromatography, a device is an individual component, such as a detector, pump, or autosampler, that performs a specific function within the analytical process.


A user interface window that appears in Clarity to prompt users for parameter input, configuration settings, or process information. Dialog windows support interaction with specific modules or features in the system.

Distributor's license

A special Clarity license marked by a "Distributor's License" stripe in the main Clarity window. We provide this version to our distributors free of charge, allowing access to all software options and free upgrades to future versions (if the station is registered on our website). This version is intended for customer demonstrations, SW testing, processing customer data, etc.


A protective USB key is required to run Clarity (equivalent to a HW key).


Software that enables Clarity to communicate with hardware devices, ensuring they function correctly.

Dynamic Link Library (.dll) file

Control module codes are stored in separate .dll files instead of being embedded directly within Clarity. This allows for more flexibility and reduced memory usage.


An eluent is the liquid or gas medium used to transport analytes through a chromatographic system. The type and composition of the eluent influence the separation and distribution of compounds within the column.


ESTD (External Standard Method) is a quantification method that uses external calibration standards separate from the sample. Both ISTD and ESTD are commonly used in chromatography for quantifying components.


A Clarity Extension is an optional software component that adds additional capabilities to Clarity. Information about available extensions, including technical documentation, can be found on our website. We currently offer extensions for Photo Diode Array (PDA), Mass Spectroscopy (MS), Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), Natural Gas Analysis (NGA), Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis (DHA), Capillary Electrophoresis (CE), Elemental Analysis (EA), and System Suitability Test (SST).


GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) are standards for laboratory quality assurance. GLP emphasizes best practices in laboratory testing, while GMP ensures quality control during manufacturing processes.

HW key

A protective USB key required to run Clarity (equivalent to a dongle).


In Clarity, an Instrument is equivalent to an independent chromatograph configuration with its own time base. The core SW includes only one Instrument, yet up to four add-on Instruments can be set up.

IQ (Installation Qualification)

A process that verifies whether the software has been installed according to the manufacturer's specifications.


ISTD (Internal Standard Method) is a quantification method where a known internal standard is added to each sample, allowing for accurate comparison between samples based on standard response.


LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) is software that manages and tracks laboratory data, samples, results, and other information throughout the laboratory process.

Mobile phase

The moving phase that flows through the chromatographic column, carrying analytes with it. It includes the eluent and dissolved substances being analyzed.


Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) is an analytical technique that involves multiple steps of mass spectrometry, with fragmentation occurring between the steps to provide information about the structure of analytes. It is mainly used for the analysis of biomolecules (proteins, etc.).

OQ (Operational Qualification)

A process confirming that the software operates as intended by the manufacturer.


A graphical feature that allows multiple chromatograms to be displayed in a single view for comparison, such as of samples or standards.


PDA (Photo Diode Array) and DAD (Diode Array Detector) refer to the same type of detector. These detectors allow simultaneous measurement of multiple wavelengths, providing three-dimensional spectral data for analyzed substances.

Peak broadening

Peak broadening is the phenomenon where chromatographic peaks become wider or spread out. This can be caused by factors such as diffusion, dispersion, or slow kinetics and may affect separation quality.

Peak overlap

Overlapping occurs when peaks in a chromatogram are not well-separated, making it challenging to identify and quantify each peak. Achieving peak separation (avoiding overlap) by using optimal conditions is essential for accurate analysis.

PQ (Performance Qualification)

A process that tests whether the analytical system is fit for a given type of analysis.

Retention time

Retention time is the time it takes for a substance to pass through a chromatographic system and be detected. It is a critical parameter for identifying analyzed substances.

Serial Number (S/N)

An S/N is a 7- or 8-digit number representing the station's serial number. It is saved in the HW key, and it is a permanent indentifier, meaning it doesn't change with the Clarity configuration or version change. Whenever you ask for technical support at, you will have to provide your S/N. Both the Serial Number and User Code can be found on the packing list and installation media. You can also read the S/N and U/C from within the software (main window, menu Help – About).


A signal is the output data from a detector during chromatographic analysis, representing the response of an analyte over time. Signals are essential for identifying and quantifying substances within a sample.

Stationary phase

The fixed phase within the column where interactions with analytes occur, enabling their separation based on varying affinities to the mobile and stationary phases.

User Code (U/C)

A U/C is a 16- or 17-digit code that defines the configuration and version of the chromatography software. It is unique for each HW key and Clarity configuration. You can enter the U/C during the installation process to activate the purchased configuration. The U/C can also be entered later via the Clarity main window, menu Help – User Code... option. Both the Serial Number and User Code can be found on the packing list and installation media. You can also read the S/N and U/C from within the software (main window, menu Help – About).