How to add a new control module to Clarity or OEM?

A brief description of the different options for developing a new control module for Clarity.

Clarity can directly control more than 1000 instruments and the list of instruments supported by Clarity is updated each release.
If you want to add a new control module (CTRL) it is possible through these 3 options:


A control module is developed by the manufacturer itself (most common)

Third party

A control module is developed by a third party (we can recommend reliable company)


A control module is developed by DataApex when there is a significant demand from our distributors

Control module development environment

There are three types of development interfaces. The developer can choose according to the complexity of the module and other parameters which suits him best. A detailed comparison between the most common UNI Ruby and SDK interfaces is available in the D187-SDK-and-UNI-Ruby-comparison-table datasheet. Below is a brief description of the main differences:

UNI Ruby

Suitable for simple devices (autosamplers, pumps, detectors). Script can be directly added to the local Clarity station. When it should be distributed regularly with Clarity, it must be part of the Clarity installation. To achieve this, it is necessary to conclude the agreement and send the script for testing to DataApex. Testing and UNI Ruby support are charged. UNI Ruby is easy for fast programming, but has some limitations such as basic user interface, limited communication and no support of external libraries.

For more information refer to UNI Ruby web page.

SDK (Clarity Software Development Kit)

Suitable for complex devices (GC, HPLC systems). It requires an experienced C++ programmer. It is more complex and flexible. We can provide access to our SDK kit for free. SDK Wizard and examples are also available. To be distributed regularly with Clarity, the control module must be part of the Clarity installation. To achieve this, it is necessary to conclude the agreement and send the script for testing to DataApex. Testing and SDK support are charged.

For more information refer to SDK page. ICF drivers

A special case that requires agreement with Agilent, for more details about development please contact us on

For more information about Agilent ICF refer to its special dedicated page.