Clarity UNI Ruby

Easy on-site development of control modules for Clarity software in Ruby language.

Clarity UNI Ruby consists of:

  • Editor of Ruby scripts integrated with Clarity to write Control modules in UNI Ruby.
  • Documentation (CHM help, examples)

Control modules are pieces of software that create a bridge between the Clarity Chromatography Data System (CDS) and chromatographic hardware such as detectors, thermostats, pumps, etc. Sometimes, you might want to control a device that is rare or even custom-made. UNI Ruby allows you to prepare control module without much effort to achieve simple control of your device.

What is UNI Ruby not intended for?

If you are thinking about:

  • development of complex control modules (such as PDA detectors, MS detectors) or
  • control modules with a rich user interface

then you should use Clarity SDK.

More details

Please see the following datasheet and presentation to get details about the development of modules in UNI Ruby.

UNI Ruby

UNI Ruby module distribution

UNI Ruby control modules can be used in two ways:

  • Personal scripts can be used without any approval by DataApex, and you already have all the tools and documents needed. However, in such cases, there will always be a warning in the Instrument window informing you that you are using an unauthorized driver.
  • If you want to distribute the script to multiple users or use it in a regulated environment, making the script official is recommended. An official script does not have the abovementioned limitation, as it has to pass internal testing and be approved by DataApex. To get more information, contact