What is new

  • Changes in version 9.1.1 (30.05.2024)

    *New: Control: First Release - Agilent 8697 XL control module is now available.

    *New: Control: First Release - Ecom ECA Amino 500 control module is now available.

    *New: Control: First Release - Sykam S6410 control module is now available.

    *New: Control: Update - Agilent ICF control module has been updated to version A.03.03.

    *New: Control: Update - Ecom ECP2000 control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Netel Chrom Plus 6000 control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Sykam S150 control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Young In Chromass YCChroZenGC control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Young In Chromass YCChroZenPump control module has been updated to version

    #Fixed Bug: Spark Symbiosis - using of R-Biopharm plates could result in errors due to type misdetection.

    #Fixed Bug: Shimadzu LC-20ADXR - pump not supporting LPGE unit in Shimadzu LC-10/20 driver.

  • Changes in version 9.1.0 (19.03.2024)

    *New: Control: First Release - Chromsystems HPLC system modules CLC 200, CLC 320, CLC 330, CLC 340, CLC 420 are now available.

    *New: Control: First Release - Ecom ECVA2000 control module is now available in version

    *New: Control: First Release - Welch WelNova 6210 Autosampler.

    *New: Control: First Release - Welch WelNova 6110 Isocratic pump.

    *New: Control: First Release - Welch WelNova 6120 High Pressure Gradient pump.

    *New: Control: First Release - Welch WelNova 6140 Low Pressure Gradient pump.

    *New: Control: Update - Advion CMS API has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - ECOM ECF2000 control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Labio GC11-UV control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Netel Chrom Plus 6000 control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Sykam S6510 control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Young In Chromass YCChroZenAS control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Young In Chromass YCChroZenGC control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Young In Chromass YCChroZenPump control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Young In Chromass YL9130 control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Agilent ICF - Improved reliability of installation/uninstalation of modules utilizing Agilent ICF.

    *New: Control: Agilent ICF - Reduced risk of out-of-memory events due to improved memory usage. Operations with modules utilizing Agilent ICF are moved to separate process.

    *New: Control: CoruiTech Rainbow, RainbowC HPLC system, and Rainbow detector removed from installation (installation is possible by external installer). 

    *New: Control: Support for creating installers to add externally developed control modules to Clarity.

    *New: Clarity: Improved handling of multiple error or warning messages opened at the same time.

    *New: GLP: The Verify Signature dialog of MODIFIED chromatograms indicates Not Signed, instead of the signature of the last saved version.

    *New: Launch Manager: Support for additional command line parameters during station and instrument opening.

    *New: MS: MS Search - added options for search mechanism type.

    *New: System Configuration: CE devices now require LC control (A24) in addition to CE extension (A31) to be configured.

    *New: User Columns: New iferr0 a iferr1 functions can be used to return 0 or 1 in case the argument is invalid.

    #Fixed Bug: Control: Agilent ICF - Unhandled exception occured when device not found during autoconfiguration.

    #Fixed Bug: Control: UNI-Ruby scripts - It was not possible to read scripts from folders labelled in Chinese.

    #Fixed Bug: Calibration: Cancelling changes in calibration could result in error.

    #Fixed Bug: Clarity: Save As and Print to PDF dialogs interpreted absolute and relative path incorrectly in some cases.

    #Fixed Bug: Data Acquisition: Show spectrum - Overlaid spectra had the same color.

    #Fixed Bug: Export Data: Some integration parameters were exported as a part of the Chromatogram Header item.

    #Fixed Bug: GLP: Upon opening chromatograms from version 7.1.0 and older, the signatures were incorrectly identified as invalid.

    #Fixed Bug: GPC: Problems with GPC calibration Broad Linear for multisignal chromatograms.

    #Fixed Bug: Help: Equations were missing (introduced in 9.0.1).

    #Fixed Bug: Launch Manager: When specifying *.cfg files outside of the Cfg directory, the said directory was also searched for other system files.

    #Fixed Bug: Localization: In Spanish, it was not possible to set Is ISTD in calibration (introduced in 9.0.1).

    #Fixed Bug: MS: MS Search results (Match, Reverse Match) were normalized incorrectly.

    #Fixed Bug: MS: Peak Purity results were incorrect when both Intensity Threshold and Use Background Correction options were selected.

    #Fixed Bug: PDA: Peak Purity calculations were incorrect in case of missing spectral data corresponding to the peak position.

    #Fixed Bug: PDA: Peak Purity results were incorrect when both Absorbance Threshold and Use Background Correction options were selected.

    #Fixed Bug: Post-Run options: Post-Run actions performed on historic version of chromatogram used the current version of the chromatogram.

    #Fixed Bug: Print report: Result table missing header in case no peaks were found in chromatogram.

    #Fixed Bug: Setup Columns: Possible crash by restoring the default columns in the Setup Columns dialog in Spanish localization.

    #Fixed Bug: User Columns: Special values ignored all input values if they contained at least one invalid value.

    #Fixed Bug: User Columns: The power operation was incorrect.

  • Changes in version 9.0.1 (16.10.2023)

    *New: Control: First Release - Haosi Bio ARIES LC 2400 control module is now available in version

    *New: Control: First Release - HTA 2800T control module is now available.

    *New: Control: First Release - Netel Chrom Plus 6000 control module is now available in version

    *New: Control: First Release - Teledyne ReaXus pumps by RUBY script are now available.

    *New: Control: Update - Agilent ICF control module has been updated to version A.03.02.U2.

    *New: Control: Update - Ecom ECDA2000 control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Ecom ECP2000 control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Hengping GC-MS control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Labio GC-11 UV control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Welch 5430 control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Young In Chromass YCChroZenGC control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: HT1500L autosampler - support for firmware 1.08. Additional tray configurations.

    *New: Control: HT1500L autosampler - support for firmware 1.09. New options for Wash parameters and Initial Empty line.

    #Fixed Bug: SSI (LabAliance) pumps - answers to CS command were incorrect.

    #Fixed Bug: Sykam S2100 pump - possible freeze in sequence as reaction to exhausted solvent volumes.

    #Fixed Bug: UNI-RUBY drivers - scrollbar in Hardware Configuration dialog was inactive.

    #Fixed Bug: HT1500L, HT4000L, HT800L - text in print tables was small.

  • Changes in version 9.0.0 (25.07.2023)

    *New: Control: First Release - HTA new models 2000H, 2000HT, 2100H could be controled by the HT2x00H driver after selecting corresponding protocol version on the sampler.

    *New: Control: First Release - QuadroCore MCore control module is now available in version

    *New: Control: First Release - Shanghai Sunny Hengping Scientific Instrument GC-MS control module is now available in version

    *New: Control: Update - Apix ChromPix2 control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Ecom ECP2000 control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Ecom TOY control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Futecs CT-6000 control module has been updated.

    *New: Control: Update - Sykam S5300 control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Young In Chromass YCChroZenAS control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Young In Chromass YCChroZenGC control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Young In Chromass YCChroZenPump control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Young In Chromass YL6500 GC control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Update - Young In Chromass YL9110 control module has been updated to version

    *New: Control: Dani GC1000, Master GC, Master AS, Master DHS, Master SHS control modules are moved from Typical to Full installation.

    *New: Control: Fraction Collector by Multiposition Valve - default vial range set to positions 2-n (position 1 assigned to Waste).

    *New: Control: Fraction Collector by Multiposition valve - new option to reset position to Start Vial after defined number of fractions.

    *New: Control: Fraction Collectors - switching to waste between lines avoided in case of consecutive fractions (Stop time = Start time on next line) with signal condition None.

    *New: Control: Young In Chromass - YCChroZen Pump comment is changed from YI9619 Binary Pump to YI9613 Binary Pump and YCChroZen HPLC-E comment from YL9675 RI detector to YI9673 RI detector.

    *New: Audit Trail: Improved logging of pop-up message boxes.

    *New: Audit trail: Improved user identification in system-generated messages.

    *New: Batch: Improved user interface to ease up working with the dialog.

    *New: Clarity: Improved computer memory management while working with larger method files.

    *New: Clarity: New graphic style of splashscreen and About dialog.

    *New: Clarity: New model of licensing system is introduced containing paid major upgrades. More details can be found at www.dataapex.com/upgrade.

    *New: Clarity: The appearance of windows now reflects the appearance of Windows 11.

    *New: Communication recording: New option TextMode=BOTH (both text and hexa format) in commdrv.ini.

    *New: Export to Excel:  Implemented support both for old *.xls and new *.xlsx format. Excel version supporting the selected format must be installed on the computer.

    *New: Export: While exporting sequence, Sample type is now exported as it is visible in the software, not as a number (0-3), which referred to the order in the menu.  

    *New: File Open dialogue: Column width is now stored in the user desktop (*.dsk) file.

    *New: Instrument Image: Custom Instrument images for multiple chromatographs were added.

    *New: Integration Algorithm: Current Integration Algorithm is renamed to Legacy and updated to version 9.0 rev. 1.

    *New: Integration Algorithm: A new integration algorithm Wave based on previous Experimental algorithm is added.

    *New: Integration Algorithm: Selection of Integration Algorithm is moved to Integration tab (originally on Calculation tab in Method Setup and Results tab in Chromatogram).

    *New: Method: Warning when method size may exceed 200 MB during an attempt to save it is now present to help prevent exceeding the memory.

    *New: Sequence: New option "On Enter - Move Down" in User Options to handle Enter in Sequence table  (useful for entering values using handheld barcode scanners).

    *New: SST: Amended selection for performance calculations reflecting the change in USP since 12/2022.

    *New: System Configuration: Warning after update that some configured devices will be removed because their driver is not installed is now present.

    #Fixed Bug: Control: Agilent HP7673 - Reopening the instrument without a Clarity restart could result in a communication error.

    #Fixed Bug: Control: Agilent ICF - It was not possible to uninstall Agilent ICF drivers via Uninstall.exe.

    #Fixed Bug: Control: Agilent ICF DAD detectors - spectral detector not created on Windows in Japanese and Portugal localization.

    #Fixed Bug: Control: Agilent ICF GC control - Possible deadlock when configuring unconnected GC.

    #Fixed Bug: Control: Agilent ICF - Time Idle event performed immediately after finishing the previous run instead of in a given time under some circumstances.

    #Fixed Bug: Control: Dani GC1000 - some parts of method were not sent (introduced in version 8.6.0).

    #Fixed Bug: Control: Fraction Collector by Multiposition Valve - Wrong behavior when using the Collect All option.

    #Fixed Bug: Control: Fraction collector by Multiposition Valve - Wrong reaction to Next or Go to Position before first Collecting.

    #Fixed Bug: Control: Fraction Collector by Multiposition Valve - Wrong behavior in Device Monitor on last Vial position.

    #Fixed Bug: Control: Recipe EC6000 - The start when using external autozero contact was not functional in a Single Analysis mode when method was not resent.

    #Fixed Bug: Control: Shimadzu GC-2010 - The device monitor was not displayed correctly when increased display scaling was used.

    #Fixed Bug: Control: Spark Endurance - fixed problems with method editing and printing.

    #Fixed Bug: Control: Sykam S2100 - Warning about exceeding Max Pressure limit in LC Gradient options was missing.

    #Fixed Bug: Control: Sykam S5200 crash in device monitor in other than English localization.

    #Fixed Bug: Analysis: File write error while creating chromatogram in case invalid characters (ASCII 0-31) were used in Sample or Sample ID and propagated to the chromatogram file name.

    #Fixed Bug: Analysis: Single Analysis using sampler stayed in Waiting for injection in case of autostop in the method was not enabled.

    #Fixed Bug: Audit Trail: Export of file-specific (Method etc.) audit trails were not logged to Station Audit Trail.

    #Fixed Bug: Batch: During Batch sequence reprocessing, the options for calibration cloning were ignored.

    #Fixed Bug: Calibration: Opening calibration with a high number of signals, compounds, or concentration levels was slow.

    #Fixed Bug: Calibration: Wrong handling of customized units for the area - affecting linearised response and calibration curve graph.

    #Fixed Bug: Data Acquisition: Wrong synchronization of auxiliary signals start under certain circumstances.

    #Fixed Bug: Export Data - option Chromatogram: The signal was exported with an incorrect unit label in some cases.

    #Fixed Bug: Export: Export Chromatogram did not respect settings in User Options - Directories.

    #Fixed Bug: File Open Dialog: Pressing Esc didn't close the file open dialog when none of the files was selected.

    #Fixed Bug: File Open dialogue: Fixed problems with All Signals checkbox focusing when selecting signals of a chromatogram.

    #Fixed Bug: GPC: Coefficients for the polynomial calibration curve were displayed with 5 decimals (instead of 4 valid digits, resulting in rounding of small numbers).

    #Fixed Bug: High DPI displays: Icons and table columns were too small when higher DPI was used.

    #Fixed Bug: Integration Algorithm: Tangent skimming method and Moving Average filter - incorrect evaluation in some cases.

    #Fixed Bug: MS Search: MS search in NIST libraries from Clarity used the wrong spectral range.

    #Fixed Bug: PDA: When using Add signal from the PDA window Global Bunching was not applied.

    #Fixed Bug: Print to PDF: Lab Footer was not printed to PDF when using 1600*1200 display resolution.

    #Fixed Bug: SST: Possible crash after creating chromatogram with SST method.

    #Fixed Bug: Summary table: Chromatogram was not displayed if there was no peak with the calculated amount. Now sufficient conditions for the chromatograms to be displayed are connected calibration files.

    #Fixed Bug: Summary Table: Zeros instead of ??? wrongly displayed in user columns in case used variables were not available.

    #Fixed Bug: System Directories: Problems with finding file locations in case the mapped disk notation was used to define the datafiles path.