What are the Clarity system files?

The Clarity software has several system files that are important for storing various data related to its functioning. The list of the files with default paths:

  • C:\Clarity\Cfg\Clarity.cfg
    This file stores hardware configuration information, along with information about the last user who logged in to a specific instrument, and custom instrument pictures used in the Main window.
  • C:\Clarity\Cfg\*.dsk
    This file stores information about the last used project (*.prj) and individual user preferences such as windows configuration and layout, tables and graph preferences, user columns, and more.
  • C:\Clarity\DataFiles\Projects\*.prj
    This file stores information about project subdirectories (the project directory has the same name as the project *.prj file) and the last used method, sequence, SST method, chromatograms and other files.
  • C:\Clarity\Cfg\Clarity.psw
    This file stores the list of users and their access rights.
  • C:\Clarity\Cfg\Clarity.sno
    This file stores the identification of the station.

It is recommended to back up these files to prevent data loss in case of an accident. Please note that up to version 6.2, the Cfg subfolder did not exist, and the files were present in the root folder.

UPDATE  09.05.2024