How to start a sequence in Clarity at a defined time?

It is possible to schedule a task that will run Clarity with defined parameters automatically starting a sequence. Proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare a batch file (clarity.bat) to perform the required tasks using the command line parameters
    The batch should contain the following line (example):

    • start C:\Clarity_Demo_304\Bin\Clarity.exe i=2 u="Administrator" psw="" seq=C:\Clarity_Demo_304\FC\FC3.seq run_seq=2


    • start C:\Clarity.exe will start the Clarity in the specified directory
    • i=2 will open the desired instrument (2)
    • u="Administrator" psw="" will open it as a specified user with a specified password (essential, otherwise it stay waiting for this input)
    • seq=C:\Clarity_Demo_304\FC\FC3.seq specifies the sequence to run
    • run_seq=2 starts the sequence on instrument 2
  2. Prepare the sequence to be started
    The sequence can contain just one line with the start-up method, or some standards/samples can be defined in the following rows. In the start-up method, define to switch the lamp on and flush the system as required to equilibrate.
  3. Use the Task Scheduler
    Set the clarity.bat to be started at a defined time and date. Open the "Task Scheduler" Windows app. Use the advanced properties of the task to fine-tune the scheduling.
    Set the task to start when you are logged on only, and when leaving the PC, do not log yourself off. Remember, Windows Update must not run there. It may log you out and restart the PC.

The path in the batch file can differ according to Clarity version you use (version up to 6.2 - start C:\Clarity_Demo_304\Clarity.exe i=2 u="Administrator" psw="" seq=C:\Clarity_Demo_304\FC\FC3.seq run_seq=2).

UPDATE  10.05.2024