CTC PAL Control

The control module for the CTC PAL autosampler

The CTC PAL Control module enables direct control of the CTC PAL autosampler over serial line. Direct control means that the autosampler can be completely controlled from the Clarity environment. Instrument method controlling the sample preparation conditions will be saved in the measured chromatograms The chromatography station with the AS control module provides the user with access to all parameters of an injection directly from a computer and allows the user to determine the order of individual vials within sequences. Specific method can be selected for each sample in a given sequence. The method includes AS control parameters, parameters of data acquisition, integration and calculation. Straight from the software you can plan and edit the sequence table.

Currently supported models are listed in the Specification table below. Clarity can use the injection programs prepared using the Cycle Composer. The control provides predefined injection progams for washing, headspace and for SPME (Solid Phase Microextraction).

CTC PAL autosampler


  CTC PAL Control
Controlled instruments CombiPAL, GC PAL, LC PAL, HTC PAL, HTS PAL, HTX PAL, PAL-xt (LC-xt, HTC-xt, HTS-xt, HTX-xt, GC-xt, Combi-xt, Combi-xt extended)
Communication interface RS232
Purchasing AS Control (p/n A26)
Related products Clarity (p/n C50)
Cable Serial cross DB9F-DB9M (p/n SK02)