Clarity SDK - Main features
The SDK consists of dynamically linked libraries (CswSDKxx.DLL with its sources,...), set of tools (SDK Wizard,...) and documentation (CHM help, examples, SDK Forum). Every SDK developer has access to SDK Discussion Forum and to dedicated FTP account on DataApex's server for access to new versions of SDK.
The documentation includes:
- CHM help file for context sensitive help accessible directly from the code
- Examples - selected control modules ready to be compiled and studied, with comments and hints in the code
- SDK Discussion Forum - share your control development issues with other developers and with DataApex staff, forum archive contains many useful hints
The tools include:
- DataApex SDK Wizard - for generation of the skeleton of the new control module project. Then as writing simple control modules, you will only specify data members of your chromatography device's configuration and method and implement its communication protocol. For more complex cases there are lots of virtual methods where you can modify default functionality.

Two scenarios of Control module development
In typical scenario control module communicates with hardware over hardware line as COM, USB, TCP/IP. In this scenario developer can utilize support of hardware communication already present in SDK Library. Just select appropriate communication line implementation.

Many hardware vendors started to produce their own SDKs for their hardware (com objects, dlls, etc) that shadow hardware communication by high level function calls. Clarity SDK also supports this way of control module development.